no. 202


| knit perfect |

Started: 23 April 2020

Finished: wip

Design: Knitted Nobody’s Perfect | Potter & Bloom


Yarn: various 4ply scraps

Needles: 4mm

A knitted version of the Nobody’s Perfect shawl only instead of picking the colours randomly, I’m using each colour used in the Lockdown Blanket hexagons.

There are a lot of ends and I still haven’t decided what to do with those ends which is why the pattern isn’t live on the blog yet.

2023 Update: I’m not sure what to do with this one, it looks stunning but I’m not so happy with the ends. Might have a rethink and keep it going, might not.

Notes from ravelry…

Just randomly adding colours to this sample for a knitted version of the Nobody's Perfect shawl.
